Thursday, October 6, 2022

Blog Post #8 (v2) - Internet and Privacy

    The issues raised about online privacy and what people post online, both yourself and others can be very problematic. It really calls into question why we even have phones at all, or why certain people are allowed to have them. Under no circumstances, should you post anything online that attacks yourself, or another human being. Even if they have wronged you, no human being should ever have the audacity to post another person’s nude photos online. By doing this you are only lowering yourself down to their level, and in some instances going even lower. My mother has given me advice in the past about social media, and I think that it is very fitting and I still follow her advice to this day. She says, “What you put on the internet is permanent, and whatever you post online, you should be able to say to your grandmother’s face.”

    It is an absolutely volatile act, and if the government was going to spy on us from our phones, then they should at least be able to make those people pay for what they have done. Which in itself is a large issue and a massive breach of privacy. The government should never be able to have access to our private information and the fact that they keep that information and some companies are selling it to them is completely and utterly, morally unjust. It has been said that companies like Google sell user’s information to the government. This act is completely despicable, it never should happen and the fact that it does is almost downright scary!

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